Cindy Nemser is an art historian, and a member of the International Association of Art Critics as well as a member of PEN American, the College Art Association and served as a board member for three years on the Women’s Caucus for Art. She has been included in Who’s Who in American Art since 1973 up to the present, as well as in Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in the East. She holds a B.A. from Brooklyn College, 1958, an M.A. Master’s degree, in English and American Literature from Brooklyn College, 1964 and a Master’s Degree, in art history from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1966. In 1966 she was a curatorial intern at the Museum of Modern Art and a participant in the Art Critics Workshop, given by Max Kozloff, through a grant from the American Federation of the Arts, 1967. She was awarded an Art Critics Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1975; in 1977, she was invited to be the commencement speaker for the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. In 2003, she received a certificate of honor from the Veteran Artists of America.
She has been an avid supporter of feminism and from 1972-77, she published and edited the Feminist Art Journal, a magazine that promoted women in all the arts, but with the main emphasis was on the visual. The Feminist Art Journal reached a circulation of 8,000 and was subscribed to both here in America and in countries all over the world
Art Talk: Conversations with 12 Women Artists was originally published in 1975 by Charles Scribner and was reprinted in 1995 as Art Talk: Conversations with 15 Women Artists by HarperCollins. It was the first book to be written about women artists since the 1930’s. It is considered a classic and has been translated into numerous languages.
Nemser has published two other books, a monograph entitled Ben Cunningham, a Life with Color, JPL Art Publishers, Texas, 1989 and a novel, Eve’s Delight, Pinnacle Books, 1982. Nemser was the contributing editor to Arts Magazine 1972-1975. She has contributed three articles “Two Interviews: Interview with An Anonymous Artist and Interview with Scott
Free,” in the anthology New Ideas in Art Education, ed., by Gregory Battcock, New York: E.P. Dutton, 1973, “The Close-up Vision,” Super Realism, ed. Gregory Battcock. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1975 and “Stereotypes and Women Artists, Feminist Collage, Ed Judy Loeb, New York. Teachers College Press, 1979. She has written three catalogs essays: Ben Cunningham, Church Fine Arts Gallery, University of Nevada, Reno, Alice Neel, the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Georgia Museum of Art, 1975, and “in her Own Image—Exhibition Catalog,” Feminist Art Journal, vol. 3. No 1, Spring, 1974.
She was the first to write articles on and interviews with Chuck Close, “Presenting Chuck Close, Art in American, vol 58, no 1, January-February, 1970 and “An Interview with Chuck Close,” Artforum, vol. 8, no.5, 1970. She wrote about Eva Hesse in “Interview with Eva Hesse,” Artforum, vol. 8, no 9, May, 1970, and Vito Acconci, “An Interview with Vito Acconci,” Arts Magazine, vol.45, no. 5, March. 1971 and has contributed a multitude of other interviews, essays, art and book reviews to The New York Times, The Village Voice, Ms, Art in America, Artforum, Arts Magazine, City Search, and numerous other publications.
In 1974, Ms. Nemser also curated an exhibition at the Fleisher Memorial Gallery, which was part of the Philadelphia Museum of Art called “In Her Own Image,” The show, which attracted a wide audience was written about favorably in the New York Times as well as in the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Evening News, in various other art magazines and journals.
Nemser has been a guest lecturer at prestigious universities, museums, art organizations and women’s galleries all over the country including Yale University, the Maryland Institute of Art, The Smithsonian National Collection, the Brooklyn Museum, Berkeley Museum and the Maryland Institute of Art, the women’s cooperative gallery A.I.R., in New York, Arc and Artemisa in Chicago, the Women’s Building in Los Angeles and the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota, (W.A.R.M.). She appeared on the legendary Casper Citron radio show, in New York in May, 1975 and on the television show Panorama and been interviewed by the local press all over the United States and Canada.
In 2003, she received a certificate of honor from the Veteran Artists of America. She is now writing a book entitled Firebrand: The Autobiography of a Feminist Art Critic that is a personal account, but carefully researched documentation of her experience in the art world of the 60’s and 70’s when she helped birth the women artists’ movement. She guest curated an exhibition entitled “Women’s Work: Homage to Feminist Art, at the Tabla Rasa Gallery, 224 48th Street, Brooklyn New York from March 28, 2007 through May 13, 2007. In 2011, she was honored as the Artist of the Month by the Veteran Feminists of America.